Saturday, October 08, 2005

Books Books Books

So, I was talking to Jon, and I kinda realize that one of the problems with my blog is that it has no real direction. I just post stuff. Yah, great, but, it's tough.

I have a obvious love of books. I'm always looking for some book, reading a book, find what out of print, learning about authors, help out at a massive book site (Sffworld).

Might as well start a blog on books. This may even lead me to actually up date this blog more often, while not as interesting for some folks, life sucks. :)

So, yah.. Books. Love em. The current book I am reading is Curse of Chalion. Written by Bujold, she became really well known for her Vorkosigan series. I never really wanted to read that series, or any of hers. They just seem, boring..dull.. But, I figured I tried her Fantasy series. Lo and Behold, I am rivetted to this book. Hard to explain why, their isnt any action, battle, or even wide use of magic. It's the Characters. The main character, Cazaril, seems so real. And flawed. Which is great. I mean, in most series, the characters have flaws, but, they seem superficial. These flaws seem to actually affect the characters actually actions, some for the worse. Great book, and part of a series. But, each book is a individual. When I am done it, I'll leave some quick thoughts on it. :) Posted by Picasa

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J.p. said...
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