Sunday, March 13, 2005

Well...I finally worked up the nerve..

Originally uploaded by Paedur.

To see..

Dawn of the Dead! For those who don't know me, I am this fear of Zombie movies. Why? Who knows.. I've never a Zombie was wasnt polite, and I've worked with more than a few. Anyways, I think it's the eating of human flesh, and that entire society has collapses, and it's pure chaos. I like order. So, the Dawn of the Dead movies are like... the worse for me. Plus, in the remake, the lil f(#*(%# can run!

Yes, me, who is terrified of the living impaired decided to watch it this fine Saturday night.

Why? It was on Movie Central Shadowlane, and I could not help but to at least take a peek at it.

So I saw it. Was I terrified? Hardly. Did I like it? Eh, it was alright. I think Shaun of the Dead was a much better movie, and it had a few scenes in that one that scared me more.

Plus, Shaun of the Dead is dam funny at all the right times. One part in this movie that I thought was funny was when the group of surivors are being chased by the zombies into the elevator. The door closes, and the one dude says, "I like this song."

Few gross scenes, but, I think my imangination scared me more than this movie.

Side notes, one is that I may be switching this blog over to tabulas, which is where Tales of the Motherboard is. Also, thanks to Jon, you can all just type in to find my blog. :) And rest assured, I will continue to follow the career of Jessica Alba. ;)

1 comment:

Mike said...

First off...Yes..

Second off, that isnt a AK-47...c'mon, you worried wether it's in proportion to a bipedal tiger?

Michael Bolton? Get some glasses, that's a woman! But, then again, so was Michael Bolton