Monday, November 29, 2004

And so it ends...

Well, as of December 15, we will see the release of the final version of Lord of the Rings:Return of the King.

This new extended version adds a additional 50 mins worth to the movie, making the last movie almost 4 hours long!!

I think the biggest addition to this extended set will be the final confrontation between Gandald and Saurmon, and Gandalf facing the Witch King. It also looks like they are also extending the battle scene at the end of the movie (Which, we all know, I'll love!!!)

So, please, click precious and see the 6 mins trailer for this set.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Yee Haw!!

Originally uploaded by Paedur.

This guy's got a sign on the end of his bed that says "Socks first, then shoes." The shirt reads, Iraq first, then France. - Nov/04

Saturday, November 27, 2004


(1) Geek has always had negative connotations within society at large, where being described as a geek tends to be an insult. The term has recently become less condescending, or even a badge of honor, within particular fields and subcultures; this is particularly evident in the technical disciplines, where the term is now more of a compliment denoting extraordinary skill.

(2) A carnival performer who performs grotesque acts, such as biting the heads off of live chickens.

Levels of Geekiness.

Wanna-be / Beginner Geek
First-time computer buyers or closet computer users. Beginner Geeks don't necessarily have to own a computer of their own. Here are some signs that mean you're a Wanna-be Geek:

  • Took things apart as a child to see how they worked
  • Have always had some interest in electronic devices
  • Were fascinated by how the television remote control worked
  • Can program the family VCR
  • Enjoy trying to teach yourself how to use things
  • Often play with your friends' computers
  • Can't get enough of the computer lab at school or work
Intermediate Geek
  • Enjoy telling people about how you searched the Web for 3 hours last night to find the best deal on kangaroo burgers
  • Have friends who constantly ask you questions relating to anything electronic and believe whatever answers you give them
  • Have written your own computer programs
  • Write some of your correspondence in Notepad or VI
  • Know how to code HTML in a text editor
  • Never turn off your computer
Advanced Geek
  • Enjoy telling people about how you reprogrammed the remote control on your keyring to unlock your house, turn on the coffee maker, and start up the computer
  • Don't believe in reading manuals for anything electronic
  • Believe that ANYTHING can be fixed
  • Buy expensive electronic toys and try to integrate them with other electronic gadgets, often breaking them beyond repair in the process (and being happy about it!)
  • Know all about how to register a domain name and how the Internet functions
  • Your monitor is bigger than your television--if you even have a TV
  • Have more than one computer, and they are always on
  • Have a network in your house
Super Geek
  • Sit at home in your underwear playing on your computers until the wee hours of the morning, EVERY morning
  • Would rather sit at your computers eating wine and cheese than go out on a date
  • Would not only happily accept the prospect of being fully integrated with your computer, you'd also figure out how to hack your way to the top of the waiting list
  • CAN fix anything
  • Type faster than you think
  • Spend more time online than around people
  • Can't understand why there are some people who can't build their own computer from scratch
  • Don't believe in viewing the Web with graphics--Lynx is the only Web browser you'll ever need
  • Use a text editor--not a word processor--to write all correspondence
  • Never, ever, ever, ever wear a suit
  • Believe that only suckers pay fees--barter for free 'Net connection, use free OS, use freeware for your software, make phone-calls over the Web, and you've got a friend at the cable company, because, after all--money buys hardware.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Here are the Beckie links.

I was talking to Beckie today, and I kept mentioning a variety of stuff. And, usually at the end of the story, I'd say, I'll send you the link. Here they are. :)

The T-Shirt that I had told you about is here. Great site for T-Shirt, btw, anyone buying any for me. XXL. :)

The book I bought my Mom.

The Eminem video.

It'll take a few minute to load.

That's all. Carry on

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Obssessive Fan? In '94 I was!

Well, my love Lisa found a interesting link while she was surfing the internet. She was looking for a website that I help run. Btw, it's

And in her searching, she found this website that has a transcript of a online chat with Sarah McLachlan from Feb 20, 1994! That was 10 years ago!

I remember it quite fondly. Myself and good chum Tracey were working at Woolco.. It was a Sunday, and after work, we had to burn rubber to get back here so we could chat with Sarah. Now, everyone is probably thinking a online chat. And it was, but, back in '94, there really wasnt this cool place called the Internet. No, we actually had to have our modem dial all the way to Vancouver to login into Nettwerk BBS (Bullentin Board System), where we then could chat with Sarah McLachlan, for about 10 mins! And, after 10 mins, the Nettwerk BBS system would disconnect you, and you had to re-dial all over again. And, this Nettwerk BBS I think only had 4 lines, so, lots of busy signals. It was a barbaric time. The stone Age of the internet.

I was quite the obssessive fan of Sarah's way back then. Still a fan tot his day!

Thanks for the Link, Lisa. Click here to see the Transcript of the chat.

And yes, looking at the transcript, I was apparently a total geek!

Monday, November 22, 2004

Never Bottle Internet Anger!

Hello Everyone =)

Do you ever bottle your anger? If so, follow this link! It will surely help you out.


After the video clip, please, re-read this message - if you like.

Click me!

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Vampire Bloodlines Jeanette

sm_asylum_10001 (Small)
Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Well, I am sure a few of you will comment on this image, and that's why I won't allow comments! Mawahaha..

Anyways, recently, I've become addicted to this RPG game called "Vampire:Bloodlines".. Which is odd, because, I don't like RPG games much, and as everyone knows, I have this phobia of the undead (Zombies mostly!)

I know I know, your going to say "But, Mike, Zombies are people too!" Well, screw the lot of them!

But, anyways, I had thought as I play this game, I'd leave some screen shots of it, and give a little story on the character that you encounter in the game.

This one is Jeanette. She's a little crazy, and has a very controlling sister. They run a club, and apparently, are trying to take over "Santa Monica". As the story moves along, you find out that they/she are quite insane.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Geek Links!

Here are some links for those of the geekier nature. But, never the less, rather usefull stuff.

Bluetack - This acts as a sort of firewall when using file-sharing programs. The object of this prg is to block unwanted IP addresses from getting files from you. So, basically, you can block a user who may be annoying you, or is always downloading from you. It also has a series of IP addresses that are commonly used by MGM, RIAA, FBI, etc. This will prevent them from knowing that you are sharing music. Be warned, this only a preventive measure, and obviously not fool proof.

Konfabulator - This was a application that was located only on with Mac Computers (Boo!), but, it has come to the PC. I've d/l my version of it, and I've had some problems with it. But, it's definitely a nice way to customize your desktop with a variety of widgets (Weather Reports, Galleries, etc). I like it, and hopefully, I'll get it to work properly.

Station Ripper - A great prg, and free! You can use it to tune into Internet Radion stations, and rip music from them. And, it's perfectly legal! Just make sure that you find Radio Stations that are broadcasting in 128 bit, or 192 bit rates for ideal quality.

Monday, November 15, 2004

So, you haven't seen it YET?!

Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Well, I know of some who haven't seen this great movie called "Team America:World Police."

And yes, I am going to name names. Alex, Lisa, & Robecca. You need to see this movie! NOW! It's almost out of theatres, and I have no one to joke about this movie with on a regular basis. Only my good friend Jon, and he too was upset that so few people have seen this movie.

And, if not for me, look at the picture of wee lil Pierre. He wants you to see it too! Poor Poor lil Pierre, don't you worry.
If they see it, you might be able to buy more chocolate (insert french accent.)

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Ok, folks, fu(king around..

Ok, folks, I am not sure if you can see the title, but, I am currently fucking around with the template design. So, it's going to be very messy over the next few weeks. Not that I have alot of visitors, but, so you know.

Man, I need to find my HTML book now. Just when I thought I wouldn't need to keep up with HTML.

Or...wait.. Can I use my Front Page for this! MY GOD! I may finally be able to use the pira...ergh, the legally bought version of Frontpage!

Geek sites

Well, I thought I'd provide some links to Geek websites. Or at least, websites that folks may use to learn about their computer, digital camera's, and all stuff geek like. And, btw, if your visiting this blog, you are a geek.

The first is Tom's Hardware guide. You want to learn stuff, this is the site. The folks who run this site know their shit.

Steve's Digicams. Great site to read reviews on Digital Camera's

Troubleshoot Window's XP. Haven't really looked into this much, but, it does look promising.

Finally, this one for the geeks. A site to let you know what is going on in the world of Scifi, fantasy, TV, etc. Scifi-Wire.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Just a Picture

PICT0175 (Small)
Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Just a picture, wanted to update the Blog.

This is a boat I carved when I went camping up in the Great White North of Canada.

It is a sad tale though, after it's intial voyage in the bay of Medicine Lake, which was successful as you can see by the picture, she vanished in the deeper waters of Medicine Lake. Perhaps a other Bermuda Triangle? Only the crew truly knows. They say people can hear the leaves rustling on dark nights up there now.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Americans sad about who won the election? BOO HOO!

Hey, I live in Canada, so, their isn't a whole lot I can do to help with the election. And, it sucks, in my opinion, that George Bush got back into power.

BUT.. the Kerry supporteres who are know saying, "I'm leaving America cause we lost." SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUPS! Did you go out and vote? If you did, right on, those who didn't.. Well, I'd have a choice word or two.

But, this is about those who are leaving America because of the election. Do you really think that is helping anything? How many of you went out and tried to persuade the vote? I am sure some did. And, how does it help America that you are leaving? A voice of change and opposition always needs to be heard, and they sure as hell can't hear you if your not in the States.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Way to go Apple! (Losers!)

Well, I've been reading on the net recently that Apple computers has installed a new feature on there website. Customer Ratings! Yes, you can now rate Apple products.... Oh wait, your not allowed too. You can rate other products that are made for Apple, just not Apple products!

But.. Don't worry, Apple Computers has taken care of that chore for you! Yes, Apple now rates it's own products.. And, don't you worry, every Apple products gets a SOLID five apple rating (out of 5) for it's own products!


Thursday, November 04, 2004

Dum Dum Dum..

Originally uploaded by Paedur.
That's suppose to be sung like Darth Vader's Theme!

So, I have seen the new Star Wars Trailer, Revenge of the Sith! WHOO HOO!

Looks good.. I mean, I didn't love the first two, but, hell, it's Star Wars!

For those who know me, I can send the file to you, the others, well, one day, I may just type out the entire trailer. :) Next to this blog, is a concept art of one of the ships for the movie.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Well, it's the day after the elections.

This pictures sums it all up nicely.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Election Day!

It's Election Day for our neighbor's to the South (For any American visitors, I'm in Canada, just so your not confused.)

I thought today would be a good day to add this link to the blog. Yet again, it may take a few minutes to load, but, it's quite a interesting video.

Click me

Just so you know.

Just so you know, two things will be happening here at this Blog.

1) Many different templates. I want to get better templates, and try them out here, so, from time to time, it may look radical. Just gotta fine one I like.

2) I may alter the address of this blog. Why? Well, while it doesn't bother me to much, having my name as the Blog address bothers me just a touch. Call me Paranoid!

Monday, November 01, 2004

Lisa D's Birthday!

Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Yes, I believe today is Lisa D's birthday! Our very own Soccer and Sugar junkie turns 26 today!!

I don't have a picture of her, but, top notch artists have rendered this picture to look exactly like her! Well, pretty close..


The stuff you find.

You know, the internet is such a incredible way to find totally useless stuff to watch. I mean, you'd never see this type of high quality workmanship on TV.

Click Me

Also, here is also a other link, this one I just think is rather neat.

It might take a little bit of time to load up. Click me. Found this link at
