Saturday, December 04, 2004

Firefox .. Well...

So, I've been noticing more and more over the last little while peopel are using Mozilla Firefox for the browser. I just started using it before they released version 1.0. At that time, I started using Opera as well.

I'd say I've been using Firefox for about 2 months now (1.0), and I've used some of it features, such as extensions. And I like it... but...

What's the big deal? It's free. And, it definitely has some nice security features. Well, there not really features, it's just that firefox doesn't allow Active X stuff to run.. which is great.

But, I find it slooooow. Sloooooow. Sloooooooooooooooooow. I find pages load up at a snail pace, and some pages do not load up probably. I've gotten this flicker effect on some pages. And some of the features that Firefox has (Tabs, which I love) can easily be found on Opera. So, I think I am going to flip over to Opera and see how that one works.

But, in the end, I'd rather see people use Firefox over IE. And, Firefox is free, where Opera is not.

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