Monday, December 13, 2004


Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Many moons ago, I use to fight crime on the web through a mux. And, I had found a website that had feature a engine to create hero's and villains to combat.

Alas, I had lost the site, until now. My comrade in arms, the Mighty Vulgarian has found the site, and I bring to you, my hero Tai-Bow! Yes, I am sure many of you have heard the feats of Tai-Bow and his side kick The Mighty Vulgarian. And finally, you get to see who Tai-Bow is!

So, go to the site, and create your own villain or hero. Perhaps, if we get enough people, we can form our own super-hero team! Neat-o eh? Yah Yah, save the geek comments, if I hear one, Tai-Bow is coming after you!!!

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