Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Tales of the Motherboard..

Originally uploaded by Paedur.

So, a good friend of mine has published a book. Or is at least in the process of publishing it.

It's called "Tales of the Motherboard." Yes, you've probably visited his blog from here.

Well, first off, I think it's frickin' cool that he has published a book. Everyone knows how much I love books.

Second, I think this book will be a great way to see how the 'Net has evovled, and his tales to be on it. Follow the link to see his blog, and find out more about the book.

Here is a small excerpt from the book. It's still in a rough draft, but, if you were from that time, it's frickin' funny!

"There's something very disconcerting about being one of about 4 or 5 people in a pool hall full of 40 or 50 that doesn't think he's a vampire. In those days there was some unexplained connection between analogue communications and the undead. The simple fact was that most modemers thought they were vampires. I have no idea why. It got to the point where I could spot a user meet from 6 city blocks away. The seething mass of dark leather trench coats, false fang teeth bought from the back of American magazines, and the stench of newly applied black nail polish served as warning to all that the geeks were congregating. And, while you may not be exactly scared of them, you probably wanted to steer clear for health reasons." -Tales of the Motherboard, Jon Watson.

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