Saturday, November 06, 2004

Americans sad about who won the election? BOO HOO!

Hey, I live in Canada, so, their isn't a whole lot I can do to help with the election. And, it sucks, in my opinion, that George Bush got back into power.

BUT.. the Kerry supporteres who are know saying, "I'm leaving America cause we lost." SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUPS! Did you go out and vote? If you did, right on, those who didn't.. Well, I'd have a choice word or two.

But, this is about those who are leaving America because of the election. Do you really think that is helping anything? How many of you went out and tried to persuade the vote? I am sure some did. And, how does it help America that you are leaving? A voice of change and opposition always needs to be heard, and they sure as hell can't hear you if your not in the States.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike, it's Geoff. I can't remember my login name, so I'll post as this "anonymous" fellow.

As I told you at work, if Democrats were to leave America, they would simply be diluting the Democratic voter base. That would result in further Republican reign. They have to stay and fight!

Or, they can leave and come to Canada. Who cares, really?

Lisa: I did not know that about you. Remind me to talk more about Socrates next time I see you. ;)

Peace out!