Sunday, November 21, 2004

Vampire Bloodlines Jeanette

sm_asylum_10001 (Small)
Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Well, I am sure a few of you will comment on this image, and that's why I won't allow comments! Mawahaha..

Anyways, recently, I've become addicted to this RPG game called "Vampire:Bloodlines".. Which is odd, because, I don't like RPG games much, and as everyone knows, I have this phobia of the undead (Zombies mostly!)

I know I know, your going to say "But, Mike, Zombies are people too!" Well, screw the lot of them!

But, anyways, I had thought as I play this game, I'd leave some screen shots of it, and give a little story on the character that you encounter in the game.

This one is Jeanette. She's a little crazy, and has a very controlling sister. They run a club, and apparently, are trying to take over "Santa Monica". As the story moves along, you find out that they/she are quite insane.