Saturday, December 18, 2004

Festive Time!

Originally uploaded by Paedur.
Well, I figured it was time to post a entry, and provide some festive links for everyone to enjoy!

Christmas Carol Maker - It's so annoying, and yet, oddly addictive. Who am I kidding, it's annoying as hell! But, it's Festive!

The Christmas Tree Maker Maze
- Finally! Someone made a prg where you can design a maze inside a Christmas Tree. Wanted this prg last Christmas.

Snow Flake Maker - Just make snowflakes but without the paper and scissors! Hug a tree.

Catapult Santa - Well, the name says it all. My high score is 243.3 metres.


Mike said...

301.5 :)

Mike said...

You are lying now, Geoff. That makes me sad. :~(